They must have X-Ray Vision

This, by far, is the most organised and professional diving resort we have experienced!!  The staff are amazing and very knowledgeable of the sea critters habits and locations!!  They must have xray vision because we could not see many of them until they pointed them out!  Our last dive we...
Le Meilleur Séjour Que Nous Ayons Eu

pour la troisieme fois nous sommes revenus au Lembeh Resort. Beaucoup de choses ont changé depuis notre derniére visite. Le quai, la plage, le restaurant, le bureau d'accueil ont étè réaménagés pour plus de confort et plus d'ouverture sur la nature. C'est trés beau. Mais beaucoup de choses n'ont pas vraiment changé:...
Luxury In Both Side

Quite possibly the easiest, most hassle free diving I’ve ever done.  Excellent photography facilities, delicious food, and a friendly staff that knows you by name.  Luxury in both diving ease and hotel experience, fused with some of the most superior sites and unique critters in the world is a combination...