Diving in the Lembeh Strait not only reveals a myriad of rare and unusual fish and cephalopods, you’ll also be surprised to find that on some dives the number of crustacean sightings outweigh the number of other marine life sightings. The crustacean species of the Lembeh Strait range from the...
Crustacean Station  – Part II

Besides their tremendous diversity of body shapes and colors, the crustaceans of Lembeh Straits’ dive sites are remarkable for a number of other characteristics as well. While having a hardened exoskeleton (frequently fortified with calcium carbonate, just as with our skeletons) is great at providing protection from fish and other...
Crustacean Station – Part I

Divers and especially macro photographers in the Lembeh Strait who allow their eyes and camera lenses to wander to all of the weird and wonderful life forms that surround may be surprised when they find that the number of shrimps, crabs and other crustacean species in the Strait actually far...
Favorite Critters – Crustacean

This was Carmen Bauer and Jurgen Kleinwaechter's third time visiting Lembeh Resort and diving with Critters@Lembeh.  The diving was as good as ever and this trip they were really impressed by their dive guide Maykel's skill in finding small critters, especially crustaceans which are Carmen's favourite.  For her these critters...