Perfect Diving!
Sep 24, 2012
- Dive Center
Casper Douma (Douma Fotografie) and his wife Cora from Holland recently visited Lembeh Strait for the first time. During their two weeks stay, with dive guide Opo K on the search, they ticked off their wish list which includes Blue Ringed Octopus, Bobbit Worm, Bargibanti’s Pygmy Seahorse, Hairy Frogfish, Mating Mandarin Fish, Stargazer, Harlequin Shrimp, and Hairy Octopus. This makes their Lembeh trip, „perfect diving with perfect service“. Casper shares several of his images from his critter list. Casper & Cora are talking about a return trip next year combining Buyat Bay and Lembeh Resort – a perfect combination!