Wonderful Setup
Sheila and Greg Bowtle heard of Lembeh Strait and Lembeh Resort on recommendation from their friends, who have been to Lembeh Resort and diving with Critters@Lembeh several times. Based on the positive review, they decided to come and check it out for themselves.
The resort and the diving both exceeded their expectations. With a background in emergency services, Sheila particularly appreciates the safety program at the resort with trees trimmed to remove branches and anything that could fall on people below, and the program to control insects was also well thought out and balanced with the health of the environment. As for the diving, from giant frogfish to a flamboyant cuttlefish hunting for its meal, ambon scorpionfish, pygmy seahorses and many more, they had a lot of «firsts» and photographs to add to their library.
Read more about their dive holiday with Lembeh Resort and Critters@Lembeh on this ScubaBoard post.