Lembeh Resort Panorama
Lembeh Blue Ring Octopus
Luxury Accommodations Lembeh
Coral Reef in Lembeh


Stay up to date with the latest news from Lembeh Resort, find out more about our conservation efforts and updates from North Sulawesi here.
Independence day at Lembeh Resort

True to Lembeh Resort traditions the Indonesian Independence Day is a day of celebrations and this year was no exception. Throughout the nation, from Bali to Sulawesi, the 17 August is always a day of pride and unity.   The day was honored with an extravagant lunch buffet, local cocktails, a great singing...
Critters of the Lembeh Strait | Episode 08 – 2016 | July Highlights

This episode features some of the highlights of July, including a lot of baby frogfishes, oodles of nudibranchs (including the Melibe colemani) and some awesome cephalopods like the wunderpus and flamboyant cuttlefish. The king of photogenic fishes, the weedy scorpionfish (aka 'Rhinopias frondosa'), also makes an appearance in some moody and dramatic...