Cleaning up at the ADEX 360 Blue Green Awards

We are delighted to announce that at this year’s ADEX Blue Green 360 awards Lembeh Resort won the prestigious award for “Dive Operator of the Year”. Not only did Lembeh come in first but Helen, our in-house staff, and one of the founding members of the Lembeh Foundation took the title of “Blue Green 3560 Personality of the Year”. Congratulations Helen!!! Helen did not know she had even been nominated for the award until just before the results were announced – it was an awesome surprise – and well deserved!
Needless to say we are overwhelmed by the support and kind messages of congratulations we have been receiving – thank you all so much! We were judged by an expert panel which included:
- Rili Djohani, Executive Director, Coral Triangle Center
- Chloe Harvey, Director, The Reef-World Foundation
- Jerker Tamerlander, UN Environment
- Luigi Cabrini, Chairman, Board of Directors, Global Sustainable Tourism Council
- Diana Cohen, CEO and Co-founder, Plastic Pollution Coalition

Lembeh Resort and Helen’s Blue Green 360 awards on display!
The next Lembeh Foundation projects which are due for completion are the Trash Bank and Green Library in our neighbouring village of Pintu Kota. If you would like to make a donation to help us continue rolling out our initiatives to other villages and parts of Lembeh you can contact the Lembeh Foundation at:

ADEX 2019 – Dedicated to the Ocean