Green Fingers @ Lembeh Resort
In recent months we have been starting some new initiaitves here at Lembeh Resort and one of them was to start our own vegetable and herb garden.
Most of the food that we serve here at Lembeh Resort is local produce from the North Sulawesi area such as delicious fresh fruit, kangkung (water spinach), labu siam (local ‘zuccini’) and cassava. We decided to take it one step further and serve produce that we have grown right here at the Resort!
Currently just past Cottage 12 ( there is a little climb to get there!) we have a large area which we are using to grow eggplant, tomatoes and cassava. We currently have a large banana tree, lime tree, and several papaya trees! We are also building a frame so we can grow labu siam and are also going to try growing pumpkins so we can make even more of that yummy pumpkin soup we serve!
Next stage is going to be an herb and spices garden with basil, chili and lemongrass to name a few and then a watermelon patch!
If anyone has any advice on other vegetables that we could grow in this climate then drop us a line on, any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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