Not Just A Divers’ Legend
Déc 06, 2012
- Dive Center
« After more than 20 years diving in all continents, there was a little critter that had been eluding me and my camera all this time, up to the point that I had started to think it was just a divers’ legend. The Blue Ringed Octopus. So, one of my goals for the 1st Annual Capturing Critters UW Workshop was to see my first Blue Ring. Sure enough, it took the guides of Critters@Lembeh 5 minutes to find me the first Blue Ring on the first dive!! I have lost track of how many Blue Rings and other species of octopus we have seen during these first three days. Now my next goal is a Hairy Octopus, I am sure the guys at Critters@Lembeh can make my dream come true… »