Lembeh Resort Panorama
Luxury Accommodations Lembeh
Coral Reef in Lembeh


Stay up to date with the latest news from Lembeh Resort, find out more about our conservation efforts and updates from North Sulawesi here.
Critters@Lembeh Rash Guard

With water temperatures in Lembeh Strait at times ranging between 26C - 28C (78.7F - 82.4F), we now stock a range of rash guards with cool Critters@Lembeh design to provide extra exposure protection. Perfect to wear underneath your suit or by itself for all kinds of watersports. They are available in...
Mother Mimic Octopus

Female octopus births about 200,000 eggs (depending on species) at a single time. She carries and protects these eggs while continuing to feed. Once the eggs hatch, the mother is left weakened from the constant care she has given her hatchlings, sacrificing her own needs for theirs. Soon after, the...
Perfect Diving!

Casper Douma (Douma Fotografie) and his wife Cora from Holland recently visited Lembeh Strait for the first time.  During their two weeks stay, with dive guide Opo K on the search, they ticked off their wish list which includes Blue Ringed Octopus, Bobbit Worm, Bargibanti's Pygmy Seahorse, Hairy Frogfish, Mating Mandarin Fish, Stargazer, Harlequin...
Fun Times at the Lembeh Resort Staff Family Day!

At the end of August we were able to take advantage of a quiet day at the resort and held the annual Lembeh Resort Staff Family Day. After the success of the Critters@Lembeh Family Picnic at Batu Nona Resort, we decided to hold our family day there as well and it was...
Only in Lembeh!

This week Keri Wilk from Canada visited us (ReefNet Inc.).  He gave us the short write up & a couple of images to post: In most parts of the world, it's pretty safe to say that underwater photographers would classify a dive containing either a frogfish or a bluering octopus as a...