In the magical underwater world of the Lembeh Strait adaptability is king! In this second installment of “Eye Spy a Little Eye” we will marvel at the the mysteries and incredible adaptations made to the eyes of our special little critters!
Freaky eyes! Flounders didn't always have both eyes on the...
Have you ever wondered why some people are so good at finding stuff? The guides of Lembeh are world famous for their spotting abilities and in this video we show the critters@Lembeh Resort dive guide eyes (see if you can recognize your guide's eyes!) along with a selection of some of...
On select Tuesdays, Cameras@Lembeh Resort – the first and only dedicated photo & video center in Lembeh Strait with full time on site photo pro – will feature Tips and Techniques by Photo Pro Sascha Janson. Sascha will offer up a range of information, you never know what piece of...
The underwater world is magnificent in all aspects, especially when it comes to how the inhabitants of that world perceive it!
What we see with our mundane human eyes is a result of three photoreceptors that can see red, green and blue. However the world as we know it looks very...
This video is sure to please the nudibranch lover in all of us divers - over 170 species are represented along with their scientific names just in case you're curious or keen to learn! Some are common species but many of these are seldom seen or still undescribed by science,...